How Remote Work Has Changed the Way We Collaborate Around Data

May 3, 2021

Remote work has also significantly impacted data collaboration as well as collaboration in general. From replacing regular meetings with short video calls to embracing instant messaging as the new normal, here is everything that changed.

May 2021: Proudly presenting our book, The Ultimate Guide to Supercharge the Modern Workplace

May 2, 2021

It's alive! Our all-encompassing, go-to book that serves as a "single source of truth" for anyone looking to optimize their business processes in a hybrid or remote work model is now here!

Home Office Ideas Guaranteed to Boost Your Productivity

April 27, 2021

There are numerous ways to improve your home office routine, and these were our favorites. Whether you decide to add multiple screens or just a new office chair, make sure productivity always comes first.

The ABCs of Data Collaboration (2021)

April 20, 2021

Data collaboration can be a powerful force multiplier for any business - from being able to make smarter decisions to creating a continuous pipeline of new growth opportunities. Here are the basics of data collaboration in 2021.

Top 3 Management Concerns in the Modern Workplace

April 13, 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak created the modern WFH workplace. At the very beginning, managers and leaders feared that employee productivity would take a hit. However, work from home turned out to have more benefits than setbacks.

5 Ways to Maximize Performance in the Modern Workplace

April 6, 2021

The success of every company depends on how well its employees perform their tasks. Here are five ways to maximize performance in the modern workplace and ensure that employee satisfaction and productivity are at their highest.

Distractions in the Modern Workplace & How to Overcome Them

March 30, 2021

The Work From Home (WFH) office didn’t come without certain challenges. In this article, we explore the most common distractions for remote workers and how to overcome them to improve at-work productivity.

How to Go from Data-Driven to Value-Driven

March 25, 2021

Maximizing the actionable insights you receive from your analytics investments is essential and it will allow your company to switch from being data-driven to value-driven. Here are four ways that can help you recognize whether your data is actionable.

20 of Our Favorite Quotes on Data Collaboration

March 17, 2021

Thought-provoking words can stand the test of time. With an aim to motivate and drive intrigue, we created a collection of our favorite quotes on data collaboration. Twenty of them, to be exact.
